Romeo and Juliet
This course will tell you everything you need to know about Romeo and Juliet in order to prepare you for your GCSE literature exams. Romeo and Juliet makes up one fourth of your literature GCSE. You will learn about the themes and characters; this knowledge is essential as your exam question will be on this. You will be given a demonstration on how to analyse language, structure and form (these are skills you need to employ whilst writing your essays; this is what you are marked on). This course is perfect for students who need a deeper understanding of this play. Ruth Havenga is an expert in Shakespeare and she brings the play to life for her viewers. Not only do the students excel in their exams by using this resource, they often learn to appreciate Shakespeare in a way they wouldn’t have believed possible.
What's included?
12 thirty minute videos
Tasks set throughout
Text analysis
Essential quotes
All themes and characters